Hi Folks,
Many of you have been asking me how Mina is doing.
She's fine! I just don't see her as much in the winter.
The other day I sent her a note scrawled
on a picture I took of a cat on her steps.
(I love documenting for her, who comes to call.)
2 days later, she came bearing gifts. With notes.
haven't you missed seeing her notes??!!
I love her.

Mina is one cool cat.
glad to hear she's well!
(um, was this photo taken recently? do you have such pretty flowers right now?!)
happy weekend!
never noticed before what an awesome screen door Mina has
Krissy, The top cat pic was taken this week, the other cat pics were taken throughout the year, hence the fleurs. ;-)
oooh the kitties love her! And I love the calico one :-)
Mina has great taste in chocolate...Milka is my favorite brand to buy here in Germany.
Tue universe gave you Mina to make up for wigstock! :D
I get a kick out of Mina' gifts, but it is her notes that I treasure. Enjoy! xo
"Suit yourself..." Hahahaha! I just love that little lady friend of yours.
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