Thursday, March 19, 2009

Book Report: Go, Dog. Go!

This book was an early influence 
for me, of illustration & design.
(and sense of humor)

The varmints all love it, too.

I can't read this page without laughing.

I'm forever asking people if they "like my hat."

This particular spread is burned into my brain.
Isn't it beautiful?

I especially relate to THIS guy, having had insomnia myself.
The  first grade teacher who gives way too much homework
would call that a text-to-self connection.

And I remember getting lost in THIS spread.
These dogs know how to party.

What's your favorite children's book?


pve design said...

There is a book that I am trying to locate.
But the trip to the library was the best...
"Crescent Hill Library" - I must admit "Charlotte's web" was a fave. "Black Beauty"
"Little house on the Priarie" and all the "Holly Hobby" see my Kentucky side shines right through.

Kwana said...

I loved Little Women but one like this that I read over and over was Green Eggs and Ham oh and the Ca and The Hat comes back. He was so much trouble.

Elena said...

I just gave my mom a copy of "Rain Makes Applesauce" for her b'day. Talk about illustrations!

I love "One Fish Two Fish..." "some are sad and some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I dont know. Go ask your dad."

Magpie said...

I have always loved that book. Always. Its text is seared into my head.

Megan Coyle said...

Oh I remember that book--I definitely liked it, and I pretty much liked anything with animals in it. I think one of my favorites was "is your mama a llama?"

Bonbon Oiseau said...

ME TOO!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I would have loved this book as a child, if i HAD any books.

Cheryl said...

I love any post about chil children's books :) But that's what happens with being a children's librarian. And I love Suess!

I have so many picture books I love with favorites including: Goodnight Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, Olivia, and a cool one you might like, Heidi, the board book Andy Warhol's Colors. Wow. xx

G-Ro said...

See, that dog tree is burned into my memory, with a close second being the nighttime bed, um, spread. :) Thanks for posting that.

Janet said...

I love that shot of the bed in the dark with the moon in the window...I had an apartment like that once :-)

Bonbon Oiseau said...

i loved this book as a child..this one and hop on pop and one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish!

Molly Painter said...

This is my favorite book of ALL time! I still have my original copy displayed in my house. You did a simply beautiful job describing this fabulous book. Kudos.

Bob said...

I found your blog by googling the title. I LOVE the book, the tree party is the best! Thank you for sharing!

Disneypal said...

Go Dog Go! is my favorite Dr. Suess book! It is so funny that you posted about the insomniac dog.

When I was young I loved that illustration and would just stare at it for what seemed like hours - I always turned right to that page because I loved it so much.

I was always so fascinated by the dog that had his eyes opened and always wondered why he wasn't asleep.

Mimis Lootbags said...

Hi there...following you from 'Mimi's Lootbags'. Thanks for posting this book,my son loves it,he's only 2yrs old,but he can pretty much recite the whole book. we read it to him everyday. Definetly is at the top of our book shelf.

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite book ever.

I do! I do like that party hat!

Suzan Wood-Young said...

Go dog go is my favourite childhood book. I'll be posting about it soon on my own blog but I thought I'd share my secret with a fellow go-dog-go lover. It helped me realize my husband loves me no matter what. Every morning I get up and see my hair is sticking out every which way and I say to my husband "Do you like my hat?" and he every morning from the first time I asked it he says "I LOVE your hat." That is true, unconditional love.