Friday, June 26, 2009


Me: I had a nightmare.

Him: What was it?

Me: We were at the beach at night, in a big crowd, watching fireworks. 
As the first round came down, it exploded like a bomb on the beach. 
Being so close to the explosion, we were propelled into the darkness. 
When I got up & shook myself off, I couldn't find you, & my phone was broken.

Him: That's a scary dream!

Me: What should we do if that really happens?!?

Him: Meet me at the flagpole.


Leciawp said...

Wow! Weird, but last night one of my dreams was that your blog was being made into a movie...

Nadine @ BDG said...

Now that's a lovely poem.

Elena said...

What a wonderful, practical guy!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I have to admit, LOLd at..."and my phone was broken." Not the cell phone!! :-) And I love how quickly he came up with "meet me at the flagpole"...I love a man with a plan.

I had a dream last night that I was taking a math test in school (um...I'm not in school) and looking to cheat off of Katie K. (who I haven't seen in 20 years). I attribute this to (1) trying to metric conversions for a baking project and (2) eating pesto pasta way too late at night.

Bonbon Oiseau said...

practicality abounds outside of dreams...

svelteSTUFF said...

'MEET ME AT THE FLAGPOLE.'... words to live by.