The house is amazing in so many ways:
Architecturally, it is a work of art. The woodwork,
leaded glass, the garden... you'll see it all in detail.
The way the sunlight thoughtfully makes it's way
through the doors & windows...

I fell in love with these windows.
(and this radiator )
Then there is a level upon which the entire
contents of the house is a work of art...
"I Spy Art."

I Spy a pair of tinfoil balls. 1 gold, 1 silver.

Then, on a deeper level, there is an
emotional element that pulled me in.
There was family here, where 3 children grew up.
Those children are all close in age to me,
so when I see things like these, it brings back memories:

An airplane made out of Gennie Beer Cans.
(Just so you know, this was the cheapest beer
that a teenager could buy on Long Island in the 80's.)

"This certificate entitles the holder to 5 gripe-free munchie runs."
A timeless certificate, that's really useful, especially these days.
Here's a brilliant brochure on
wear & care for your orthodontic head gear.
I see early influences of Milton Glaser & Peter Max.

REAL Silly Putty.
At one point, this house was ruled by an amazing and artful woman.
I didn't know her, and I've only recently met her daughters,
but I can tell you what I see:
This was woman ahead of her time.

She slept here.
Look at how she collected & appreciated things of beauty.
And whimsy.
Someday, my kids will have to go through piles of tchotchkes
just like this, and they will mutter under their breath as they do it.
They will say things like:
"What the fuq should we do with Mom's leaf skeletons?
It's not like we could keep them, OR throw them out"

Either way, there was one thing that was apparent
as I made my way through this house:

This was a Mama that loved and cherished her kids.
There was evidence of her encouragement everywhere.

I love the sewing/crafts room.
There are some Etsypians who would kill for this space
and all of it's contents.

Here are some more details from
the bedrooms & bathrooms...

It's funny how some things find a home & just stay there...
A couple of gems from the office...

back downstairs...
In the pantry...
On to the kitchen...
I Spy something old, something copper, and something blue :-)

you can tell that BIG things
went down in this part of the house...

I Spy a metal change dispenser.
Was there a Good Humor guy in the family??
Then there's the oven.
It's the same oven we had in my kitchen growing up.

Look! It's 4:15. Time for General Hospital & Nacho Cheese Doritos.
(ed note: MJ is right... GH was over by then. HAD to be Edge of Night!)
I love the cleaning instructions... and the logo & type design, plus the pattern behind it.
Guacamole about to happen, any minute.
There were secret sneaky items like this everywhere.
Vows were taken here...
An outdoor collection...
A still life.A flirty potting shed...
Looking up at the kitchen window.
Thanks for following me through this beautiful house...
And thank you Maggie & family for letting me in. If you let me back, I'll help you sort through the single socks. :-)