One of my obsessions is seaglass.
[ yes, this is a RED piece!! ]

I look for it on every beach I go to,
and even in my dreams.
Thankfully, I live in a town surrounded by water on 3 sides.

Yesterday morning, it was finally warm enough to walk on the beach.
Hard to believe the beach was empty.
HELLO people.... it's a beautiful day. Time to play hookie....

I could tell this beach had not been combed for glass in ages.
There were so many treasures!

I take them home, and soak them for a few hours...

Then I look at them, sort them, analyze them.
I also love old china, bits of tile, coral,
and on this particular beach,
I find a lot of skeet shooting debris. (the black pieces.)

I have way too many piles of this stuff around the house,
and in my office.
It worries me that the varmints will have to
get rid of it all when I'm dead.
Doesn't stop me from dragging it home though.

I thought the very first pic was that of a tooth.
I am about to send help.
So pretty. I have been known to ship certain beach stones home from the west coast. Just saying.
Gorgeous I love sea glass, how lucky for you to find such treasures in your own backyard.
Jenni, I hear ya. Except I pack it in my carry-on.
Yeah. I love you even more now.
Amazing collection! Glad you are combing for it...I'd not like to step on these with bare feet!
Nothing better than a the opening day of Seaglass Hunting Season.
So jealous.
I wanted to go last week when the temps here reached 50°, but DH reminded me that there was still 2' of snow on the ground.... ahh 'the voice of reason' wins Again. ((sigh.))
beautiful photos....
I never, ever, EVER find sea glass! Maybe I don't try hard enough (re: give up easily ;-)
love seaglass and that path thru the woods :-)
Hi, I came by your blog from Laura's Shore Chic. I grew up on Long Island and have resided at the Jersey Shore for a very long time. I also have a love for sea glass. It is a wonderful treasure to hunt out in the sand. This was a nice post and it is fun to know that you are looking for the same thing that I am, from the same ocean.
♥, Susan
Thanks Susan! Maybe I'll bump into on the beach some day, since clearly, we will both be looking down :-)
Sea glass is pretty fantastic. I like how you never know what you'll find--it's always a surprise at the beach.
i love sea glass...i always collected it...should've made a mosaic. i used to find so much of it when we lived on south beach.
you asked me last week if we had twins. not fortunate enough...we did want. but 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 are all 19 months apart.
Found you from Magpie... and just had to throw out that I LOVE sea glass. Anything from the ocean, actually. I could look for treasures turned up by the surf everyday and never tire of it, which for me, says one heck of a lot because I typically tire of anything and everything after awhile. Red! Exciting.
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