THIS is Jenny.
I "met" her in 1995... we were the skeptics
in the "Earth Changes" chatroom on aol.
I knew it was love at first sight,
when her screen name lead me to her profile:
Screen Name: Catbuttcpt
Location: Seattle W.A.

We spent hours, upon hours getting
to know eachother through chat and email.
Strangely, we were on almost the same exact schedule...
we both worked in publishing.
She: an early riser in the circulation department for a newspaper.
Me: a late riser in the art department of a magazine.
She woke up on the left coast, me on the right.
Her cat's name was Jesus in a Cat Suit.
(may he rest in peace)
He often sent me subliminal messages as he walked across her keyboard:
Then she would say:
"That wasn't me, it was Jesus."
I miss him.
After 15 years, Jenny & I have still not met IRL. [ in real life ]
YET, there she was, year after year,
supporting me through so many phases of my life...
Dating, working, living in the city, meeting my husband,
getting married, trying to get pregnant, giving birth...
She was right there with me, sending texts
on my way to the delivery room when I gave birth to my son.
And I was there for her when Jesus died,
when the newspaper shut down it's offices,
and when so many day-to-day things added up to a lifetime.
Lately, I've been keeping her company
as she helps her Mom through some health issues.
To kill time, she will send me a cell pic of whatever she's looking at,
and I usually return the favor.
She sent me a pic of her Mom smiling in her bathrobe, & I sent her this pic:

Then I'd get a message a few hours later...
"Hey, thanks for that pic, it really gave Mom
an appetite for spaghetti with butter!"
That's IRL enough for me.
Anyway... I just wanted to say Hi & thanks to my
long-standing online bud,
lend her the love and support that she needs right now,
and to also let you guys know that you're real too.
To me.
I kind of love that you've NEVER met. That said, I hope you do meet.
Heidi that is such an amazing friendship, you two need to meet! I hope her Mom feels better, prayers for her and her Mom.
Love this. You are an awesome friend.
YOU mustn't ever meet!!!
As much as we may crave meeting fellow bloggers, sometimes it just ruins things - and you REALLY have a good thing going.
All of the sudden, I want spaghetti with buttah, with you and the varmints.
I always wanted to be IRL! :)
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